10 of My Favorite Travel Photos

While we are inside (or should be anyway), my boyfriend gave me the idea to collect some of my favorite photos I have taken on trips for printing. While that is a great idea, I thought I could also make a post out of it at the same time.

It is hard to know what to post at this time because you don’t want to come off as not caring or acknowledging the severity of what is happening. We have been social distancing since Friday March 13th (yikes!) so we are very aware and doing our part as much as we can. We have not gone to see his family at all during this time and I have had to push my trip home in May back to September.

I hope that maybe these photos can be an escape for you during these unsure times. Stay safe y’all!

Light Paris.jpg

I won’t lie – my boyfriend took this, but I love it. We were sitting outside a little craft beer bar after our trip to the Louvre before dinner. He took this when I ran off to Sephora so there is no way I can take credit for even the idea of it! Paris, France

Miroir d'eau in Bordeaux, France

This dog is so happy – how could I not love this? I’m not a fan of taking pictures without their consent but I couldn’t resist this pupper. Bordeaux, France

Monument aux Girondins in Bordeaux, France

To be honest, I like this photo so much because my partner hyped it up. He really liked it which made me like it. Kind of lame but I didn’t think it was anything special until I saw his reaction to it. Bordeaux, France

La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain

If you ever get the chance to visit La Sagrada Familia – go. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced, and it is incredibly beautiful. That said, does it not look like Jesus is parachuting down into the church? Probably inappropriate but it was all I could see when I looked at this during our visit and had to get a photo of it. We still laugh about this two years later. Barcelona, Spain

The Glass Palace, Retiro Park in Madrid, Spain

I was so excited to visit The Glass Palace when we went to Retiro Park in Madrid. Unfortunately, it was closed for renovations on our trip, but I did manage to get this shot even among the construction. Madrid, Spain

Lisbon, Portugal

I have no reason why I like this photo so much, but I do. No fancy explanation! Lisbon, Portugal


When Ireland experienced a “big” snow in 2018 cabin fever set in and a walk was needed. There is a cute park close to our apartment and I snapped this then. Looking back, I think the snow was a training day for our social isolation! Dublin, Ireland


Okay, I clearly didn’t take this of myself, but it is one of my favorite pictures of myself and from my travels. I was shaking my head back and forth to make it look like my hair was blowing effortlessly in the wind. I think I did an okay job! Barcelona, Spain

Edinburgh, Scotland

In 2018 my mom and I went to Edinburgh together. While my mom was resting at our B&B I ran out to do a bit more exploring. I took this on my phone and I always liked the edit I did on it. It was also featured on a Scottish travel Instagram and got over 25,000 likes which to me is just insane! Edinburgh, Scotland

Plaza Mayor in Madrid, Spain

Once again, I don’t love to take photos of people without their consent. Obviously, you’ll get people in your photos as it is inevitable, but this little salesman against the busy backdrop of those enjoying Plaza Mayor was something I couldn’t resist but snap a photo of. Madrid, Spain

*all images original to Alexandra Furbee

Author’s Note: This post was originally published on my old blog in March 2020.


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